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FILME: On Football (Local producer)
On Football wins It's all true 2016
18 de abril de 2016

“On Football” was elected It’s all true’s Best national film.

The main event dedicated to the documentary culture in Latin America, It’s All True – 21st International Documentary Film Festival announced this Saturday, April 16th, 2016, the winners of this year’s edition.

The international jury was composed by the documentary consultant and producer Catherine Olsen,the Brazilian journalist and documentarist Dorrit Harazim, and the Russian filmmaker Sergey Miroshnichenko.

The national jury included the professor and filmmaker José Mariani, the editor and documentarist Karen Harley, the critic and filmmaker Ricardo Calil.

Besides the prize of Best film by the official jury, “On Football” was also nominated the Best documentary by ABRACCINE – Brazilian Association of Cinema Critics.

The documentary will be on brazilian theaters this Thursday, april 21st.  


Check out the  list of the winners:



Best Documentary of the Brazilian Feature or Medium-Length Competition (Official Jury): O Futebol, by Sergio Oksman

Best Documentary of the Brazilian Short Film Competition (Official Jury): Abyssal, by Arthur Leite

Honorable Mention for a Feature or Medium-Length Documentary (Official Jury): Images of the Estado Novo 1937-45, by Eduardo Escorel

Honorable Mention for a Short Documentary (Official Jury): Untitled # 3 : And what for poets in time of poverty? , by Carlos Adriano



Best Documentary of the International Feature or MediumLength Competition (Official Jury): A Family Affair, by Tom Fassaert

Best Documentary of the International Short Film Competition (Official Jury): The Visite, by Pippo Delbono

Honorable Mention for a Feature or Medium-Length Documentary (Official Jury): Behemoth, by Zhao Liang and Under the Sun, by Vitaly Mansky

Honorable Mention for a Short Documentary (Official Jury): The Sniper of Kobani, by Reber Dosky


PARALLEL AWARDS- ABRACCINE AWARD (Brazilian Association of Film Critics): Jury composed by Paulo Henrique Silva, Roni Filgueiras and Marcelo Lyra

Best Documentary of the Brazilian Feature or MediumLength Competition: O Futebol, by Sergio Oksman


Best Documentary of the Brazilian Short Film Competition: War Square, by Edi Junior

Mais notícias sobre o filme On Football (Local producer)
VARIETY - Sergio Oksman’s On Football at Locarno
Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br