Portuguese English
Interpreters from Brazil Doc . Vídeo . Color . 11x20’ . 2001
About the film

A Superfilmes and Texto e Imagem co-production for Cultura e Arte TV.


Brazil interpreters brings a series of fifteen interviews with Brazilian intellectuals about the culture, religion and different social groups in the country. From the creators of the award winning O Povo Brasileiro.


Notas sobre o Brasil, by Darcy Ribeiro

Saberes, by Manuela Carneiro da Cunha

Pé na Estrada, by  Paulo Vanzolini

Portugal-Brasil, by Judith Cortesão

O Sonho Português, by Roberto Pinho

Vontade de Beleza, by Washington Novaes

Mistura e Invenção, by Hermano Vianna 

Os Vários Brasis, by Aziz Ab’Saber.

Os Caipiras, by Antonio Candido
Viva o Sertão, by Antonio Risério
Leituras do Cotidiano, by Roberto da Matta.
O Candomblé do Brasil, by Mãe Stella 

Presença Africana, by Carlos Serrano

Mar de Escravos, by Luiz Felipe de Alencastro

Negro de Corpo e Alma, by Emanuel Araújo

Director Isa Grinspum Ferraz

Isa Grinspum Ferraz was born in Recife in 1958. Graduated in Social Sciences and Philosophy by the University of Sao Paulo. She is screenwriter, documentarist and curator of exhibitions and multimedia museums. Collaborated with the famous brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi and with the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro.

Has directed the series Brazilian People, based in Darcy Ribeiro's work, Interpreters of Brazil and The value of Tomorrow. The last one was exhibited by Fantastico, a news program from Globo TV channel. In 2011 has realeased the feature lenght film Marighella

Ferraz has also directed the medium lenght films Lina Bo Bardi, O Milagre do Pão, A Cidade não pára and Darcy Ribeiro:Um vulcão de Ideias.




Matheus Nachtergaele



Isa Ferraz 



Isa Ferraz, Antônio Risério and Marcos Pompéia

Executive Producer

Zita Carvalhosa


Line Producer

Jorge Grinspum


Art Director

Rico Lins 



Vânia Debs

Original Score

Marco Antonio Guimarães


  • International Festival of Cinema and environment video program shown: Os Vários Brasis, by Aziz Ab’Saber 
  • 6th Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul program shown: Os caipiras, by Antônio Cândido. 
  • II ECOCINE. Program shown: Os Vários Brasis, by Aziz Ab’Saber

Endereço Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 -  República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil Telefone +55 11 3031.5522  E-mail super@superfilmes.com.br