Co-production: TV Cultura
Faith is a feature documentary film dealing with religion and faith in today's Brazil. The main subject is the meaning and use of faith by the Brazilian people. The film shows great religious ceremonies and some of the most important rituals of the many religions and sects in Brazil, and those who follow these different religions.
Ricardo Dias is biologist, has a Cinema degree by the University of Sao Paulo and a Master’s degree in Cinema Studies by the New York University (1982). He works in the movie business since 1977. Has directed several medium length and short movies, and also works directing educational programs to brazilian television channels. In 2009, he directed the documentary Um Homem de Moral, and in 1999 the documentary Faith, which won the Best Documentary Award at Biarritz Festival 1999. Previously, Dias directed the documentary On the River of the Amazons (1995), winner of eight national awards, including Best Film (Cuiabá – 95), Best Director (Brasília – 95) and Best Brazilian Film of 95 by the Art Critics’ Association of São Paulo (APCA).
Writer and Director
Ricardo Dias
Executive Producer
Director of Photography
Adrian Cooper and Carlos Ebert
Eduardo Escorel
Music by
Mário Manga
Direct Sound
João Godoy
Sound Editor
Míriam Biderman
José Luiz Sasso
Production Team
Daniel Santiago, Giba Cuscianna, Jean Barreto e Walter Magalhães
Photographic Documentation
A. C. D`Ávila e Camila Butcher
Colaboration on the Script
Eduardo Escorel e Júlio Rodriges
Research Colaboration
Adalberto Barreto, Mateus Soares De Azevedo e Ricardo Mariano
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Av. Dr. Vieira de Carvalho, 192 / 101 - República - CEP 01210-010 - São Paulo - Brazil | ![]() |
+55 11 3031.5522 | ![]() | |